GLOW 44 will be held online, synchronously, April 15–17, 2021. We invite abstracts for two types of contributions:
- Traditional research contributions for presentation and discussion in synchronous and asynchronous online formats, including brief flash talks;
- Targeted Collaborative Debates: joint talks that present contrasting analytical proposals to a particular concrete empirical problem, in any area of linguistics.
Please read about the format of presentations at GLOW 44 before preparing your submissions.
All abstracts must be anonymous and be two pages on A4 / letter paper with 2.5cm / 1 inch margins and 12pt font. A third page may be used for references.
Targeted Collaborative Debate proposal abstracts should be organized as follows:
- Statement and motivation of the question (up to 200 words)
- Presentation of the A perspective (up to 200 words)
- Presentation of the B perspective (up to 200 words)
- Relevance of the question for linguistic theory (up to 200 words)
Upon acceptance, we will ask which author(s) will present side A and which will present side B.
Submission link, for both types of abstracts:
Abstract deadline (both formats): December 15, 2020, 23:59 anywhere in the world
Notification of acceptance (tentative): February 1, 2021
An individual may submit up to one single or coauthored traditional research abstract and up to one (necessarily coauthored) Targeted Collaborative Debate proposal abstract. The content of traditional research abstracts and duel proposal abstracts may overlap. The abstracts will be reviewed by a distinct pool of reviewers.