Generative Linguistics in the Old World in Asia 12 in Seoul
Seoul International Conference on Generative Grammar 21
The 12th Generative Linguistics in the Old World in Asia (GLOW in Asia 12) and the 21st Seoul International Conference on Generative Grammar (SICOGG 21) will take place as a joint conference on August 7-9 at Dongguk University in Seoul, Korea. The main conference will be preceded by a one-day workshop on “(Non-)Complementation” on August 6 at Dongguk University.
Invited Speakers
Main session: |
Željko Bošković (University of Connecticut) |
Martina Wiltschko (University of British Columbia) |
Victor Pan (Chinese University of Hong Kong) |
Workshop: |
Keir Moulton (University of Toronto) |
Duk-Ho An (Konkuk University) (andukho@konkuk.ac.kr) |
Michael Barrie (Sogang University) |
Rhanghyeyun Kim (Korea University) |
Jong Kun Lee (Mokpo National University) |
Myung-Kwan Park (Dongguk University) |
Hosted by
The Korean Generative Grammar Circle
Supervised by
[Center for Korean Studies, Korea University]
& [Dongguk University Humanities Research Institute & Research Institute for East-West Thought]
Funded by
[National Research Foundation of Korea],
[Center for Korean Studies, Korea University],
& [Dongguk University Humanities Research Institute & Research Institute for East-West Thought]
Important Dates
Abstract submission deadline: | April 4 , 2019 |
Notification of acceptance: | early May, 2019 (tentative) |
Workshop date: | August 6, 2019 |
Main Conference dates: | August 7-9, 2019 |