The Second Notice to the Presenters

Dear Presenters:

I hope everything is well with you. There are some updates that I wanted to share with you. 

First, we had asked you to submit your proceedings papers by the end of July – that is, before the actual conference. Note however that we will use this version only to prepare and submit a hard copy to the National Research Foundation of Korea as part of our administrative requirements in response to their financial support. In other words, the July version of your paper will not be made public.

Second, we ask you to re-submit a revised version of your proceedings paper by September 10th(tentative). This is the version that will be included in the proceedings. Please submit it to the following address (not to me):

Third, as before, we ask you to follow the stylesheet and sample paper (attached) for the July version as well as the revised version. For things not covered by the stylesheet, including the references, please follow Linguistic Inquiry’s style guidelines ( The page limit is 20 pages for oral presentation papers and 10 pages for poster presentation papers. 

We are also aware that some people feel more comfortable using LaTex than Word. The thing is that LaTex is not so common in Korea, which is why it is safer to use Word. But, if it is too difficult to use Word, please use LaTex. (Other formats are not recommended.) If you use LaTex, we might have to ask you to fix some things for us later on. But, I guess we’ll be able to figure it out.