
GLOW-in-Asia XII & SICOGG 21 Schedule and Abstracts


Aug 6. Tue
8:30 Registration
9:00 Welcome
9:15 Presentation 1 (45 min)
Toru Ishii
(Meiji U.) “Dual” selectional requirements on complementation
10:00 Presentation 2 (45 min)
Junko Shimoyama, Daniel  Goodhue
(McGill U., U. of Maryland) Embedded negative polar questions with positive epistemic bias
10:45 Break (15 min)
11:00 Invited talk (60 min)
Keir Moulton
(U. of Toronto) (Non)-Complement Clauses and In-situ Saturation: Consequences for cross-clausal A-dependencies
12:00 Lunch (90 min)
1:30 Presentation 3 (45 min)
Betul Erbasi
(USC) Evidence worlds in attitude verbs
2:15 Presentation 4 (45 min)
Mary Moroney
(Cornell U.) Interpreting quantification within internally headed relative clauses
3:00 Break (15 min)
3:15 Presentation 5 (45 min)
Tanmoy Bhattacharya
(U. of Delhi) Optionality and variation in agreement in some Hindi participles
4:00 Presentation 6 (45 min)
Elena Benedicto, Pin-Hsi Chen, Kwaku Osei-Tutu, Neda Taherkhani
(Purdue U.) Non-standard Complementation: the case of Serial Verb Constructions in Motion Predicates. A crosslinguistic, crossmodality study
4:45 Break (15 min)
5:00 Presentation 7 (45 min)
Arum Kang, Suwon Yoon
(Korea U., U. of Texas, Arlington) The subjunctive complementizer in Korean: the interaction between inquisitiveness and nonveridicality
5:45 Presentation 8 (45 min)
Koji Shimamura
(Ritsumeikan U.) The hidden syntax of clausal complementation in Japanese
6:30 End of workshop