
Generative Linguistics in the Old World 34
April 28-30, 2011

Workshop: Intervention effects from a semantic perspective (program)

Invited speakers: Sigrid Beck (University Tübingen)
Elena Guerzoni (University of Southern California)
Clemens Mayr (ZAS)

Organizers: Doris Penka & Arnim von Stechow

The workshop focuses on the semantic component of intervention effects. Both semantic evi- dence to detect intervention effects and semantic explanations for intervention effects are of relevance. Of particular interest are semantic characterizations of interveners and the configurations excluded by intervention effects.The questions that are of interest and will be addressed in the workshop include the following:
  • In which areas do intervention effects arise? Are there phenomena that qualify as intervention effects but haven't been classified as such yet?
  • Do excluded constellations lead to semantic ill-formedness?
  • Are interveners the same across the different phenomena?
  • Can the elements that act as interveners be characterized in a unified way?
  • Is it possible to give a unified explanation for intervention effects across different phenomena?
Call for papers
Abstracts (both for oral presentations and posters) must not exceed 2 pages in length (A4 or letter-sized). This includes data and references. Abstracts must have the following format: font not smaller than 12pt., single spacing, 1-inch/2,5-cm margins on all sides. Submissions must be in pdf-format. Submissions are limited to 2 papers per author (i.e., 2 papers for the entire GLOW including the workshops), only 1 of which may be single-authored. Nothing in the abstract, the title, or the name of the document should identify the author.
Abstracts addressing the topic are invited for 35-minute talks (plus 10 minutes for discussion). Abstracts have to be anonymous and limited to two pages (using 1-inch margins on all sides and 12pt font size) including examples and references.

All abstracts must be submitted via e-mail. Please attach an anonymous copy of the abstract. Nothing in the abstract, the title, or the name of the document should identify the author. In the e-mail, please give you full name, your affiliation and the title of the abstract.

deadline for submission: November 30, 2010
notification of acceptance: January 31, 2011
date of workshop: April 27, 2011