
Generative Linguistics in the Old World 34,
April 28-30, 2011

Workshop: Identity in grammar

Sunday, May 1 2011
auditorium C1 on campus
1090 Wien
download program for identity workshop in pdf (final version)
download complete GLOW 34 program in pdf (final version)

time event speaker chair
09.00 Opening address Henk van Riemsdijk Viola Schmitt
09.15 Linguistic and non-linguistic identity effects: same or different? (invited talk) Moira Yip (University College London) Viola Schmitt
10.15 break
10.45 The Copy Theory of Merge (invited talk) Edwin Williams (Princeton University) Martin Prinzhorn
11.45 On donkey anaphora (invited talk) Philippe Schlenker
(Institut Jean-Nicod, New York University)
Martin Prinzhorn
12.45 lunch break - catered on the premises
13.45 Unifying OCP and Minimality: mutual exclusion and doubling in morphosyntax Rita Manzini (Firenze) Marc van Ostendorp
14.25 Consonant identity in Arabic (dialect) phonology: Elemental! Alex Bellem (University of Salford) Marc van Ostendorp
15.05 Contrastiveness, the basis of identity avoidance Kuniya Nasukawa & Phil Backley
(Tohoku Gakuin University)
Marc van Ostendorp
15.45 break
16.15 Exploring the limitations of identity effects in syntax Artemis Alexiadou
(Universitiy of Stutgart)
Thomas Ede Zimmermann
16.55 Agreement with coordinate phrases: morphosyntactic vs semantic identity Katalin É. Kiss
(Hungarian Academy of Sciences)
Thomas Ede Zimmermann
17.35 Identity problems. When two are the same but they shouldn't Carlo Cecchetto (Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca) &
Caterina Donati (Sapienza University of Rome)
Thomas Ede Zimmermann
18.15 break
18.45 Looking for Identical Antecedents in Real Time (invited talk) Martin Hackl (MIT) Daniel Büring
19.45 ''Vue d'ensemble'' (invited talk) Jonathan Bobaljik
(University of Connecticut)
Henk van Riemsdijk
20.45 drinks and dinner in a restaurant on the premises

rank title speaker
1 Identity effects within the M-word domain Karlos Arregi (University of Chicagor) &
Andrew Nevins (UCL)
2 Identity avoidance without phonology: possession and relativization in Semitic Mary-Ann Walter (Middle East Technical University)