Frankfurt is one of the most expensive cities in Germany. We recommend to book early to get a better deal. See below for some recommendations and good deals but also check out hotels or AirBnBs yourself .
Hotels with special agreements (book via email with keyword)
Below you find some hotels in various price ranges that have rooms for GLOW 47 participants reserved. Please note that you have to book via email and send along the respective keyword. Also, the hotels have differing conditions, which you find below. Note that these hotels have a fixed number of rooms reserved for us. Once the rooms are used up, you cannot get the deal anymore.
Maps with all hotels and conference venues
Overview Hotels (details below)
Name | Price per night | Time to get to venue | Website |
ibis Hotel Centrum | 79.50€ without breakfast | 20 minutes (by bus) | ibis Hotel Centrum |
Maingau | 80€ including breakfast | 25-30 minutes (subway, S-Bahn) | Maingau |
The Flag | 89€/95€ without breakfast | 15 minutes (walk or bus) | The Flag |
Numa Bloc | 115€/125€ without breakfast | 15-20 minutes (walk or subway) | Numa Bloc |
Motel One Römer | 136.90€ including breakfast | 20 minutes (subway) | Motel One Römer |
Villa Orange | 144€/164€ including breakfast | 25 minutes (bus) | Villa Orange |
ibis Hotel Centrum (website)
Adress | Speicherstraße 4 |
Capacity | 70 DR (single or double use) |
Price per night | 79.50€ without breakfast |
Book until | March 04, 2025 |
Keyword | Glow |
Important details | Free cancelation until March 12, 2025 |
How to book | Email to |
Route to conference venue | take Bus 64 at Baseler Platz to Bremer Platz = 20 minutes total |
Maingau (website)
Adress | Schifferstraße 38-40 |
Capacity | 20 SR |
Price per night | 80€ including breakfast |
Book until | February 17, 2025 |
Keyword | GLOW März 2025 |
How to book | Email to |
Important details | Contingent reserved for 23.-29.03.2025, longer stays must be inquired individually. Free cancellation is possible up to 30 days before arrival. |
Route to conference venue | walk ca. 7 minutes to Südbahnhof and take U-Bahn to Holzhausenstraße = 25 minutes total OR walk ca. 5 min to Lokalbahnhof: take S-Bahn to Hauptwache change to U-Bahn to Holzhausenstraße = 30 minutes total |
The Flag (website)
Adress | Bockenheimer Landstraße 38-40 |
Capacity | 15 Business SR, 15 Comfort SR |
Price per night | Business SR: 89€, Comfort SR: 95€, both without breakfast |
Book until | February 23, 2025 |
Keyword | 23.03.-30.03.2025_ABK_ Goethe Uni Frankfurt |
How to book | Email to |
Important details | Rooms must be booked for at least 5 nights, free cancellation up to 14 days before arrival. |
Route to conference venue | walk 15 minutes to conference building OR take Bus M36 at Niedenau to Uni Campus Westend = 15 minutes total |
Numa Bloc (website)
Adress | Eschersheimer Landstraße 5-7 |
Capacity | 20 rooms (either SR or Intimates, those include a mini fridge) |
Price per night | 115€ SR, 125€ Intimates without breakfast (can be purchased for an additional 14,50€ per day) |
Book until | March 03, 2025 |
How to book | Email to |
Important details | IMPORTANT: Payment and check-in process are purely digital. You pay using a payment link and you check-in using a check-in link. You will then receive a code for your room, there is no reception. If all reserved rooms have been booked and rooms are still available, those can be booked for a 15% reduction from the normal price with the keyword. |
Route to conference venue | walk 20 minutes to conference building OR walk 2 minutes to Eschenheimer Tor and take U-Bahn to Holzhausenstraße = 15 minutes total |
Motel One Römer (website)
Adress | Berliner Straße 55 |
Capacity | 40 SR |
Price per night | 136,90€ including breakfast |
Book until | February 10, 2025 |
Keyword | 557405665 / Glow Uni Frankfurt März 2025 |
How to book | Filling out this form and sending it via email to: |
Important details | Reservations must be made by filling out and sending the attached form. After that, guests receive a link where they must enter their credit card details. Payment is made upon arrival. Free cancellation up to 3 days before arrival |
Route to conference venue | walk ca. 5 minutes to Willy-Brandt Platz and take U-Bahn to Holzhausenstraße = 20 minutes total |
Villa Orange (website)
Adress | Hebelstraße 1 |
Capacity | 10 DR for single use or double use |
Price per night | 144€ DR single use, 164€ DR double use both including breakfast |
Book until | February 25, 2025 |
Keyword | “Glow” – Abrufkontingent |
How to book | Email to |
Important details | Free cancellation up to 5 days before arrival. |
Route to conference venue | walk ca. 5 minutes to bus station Scheffeleck and take Bus M36 to Uni Campus Westend or Holzhausenstraße = 25 minutes total |
Lunch options on Campus
- Mensa Casino:
5 minutes from conference building, several lunch dishes, including vegetarian and vegan dishes.
Opening hours: 12:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m - Dasein:
5 minutes from conference building, several lunch dishes and special offers, including vegetarian and vegan dishes; there is also a snack and coffee bar.
Opening hours: 07:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. - Hoagasht: 7 minutes from conference building, several lunch dishes and special offers, including vegetarian and vegan dishes; they also offer breakfast; there is also a snack and coffee bar.
Opening hours: 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. - Sturm & Drang (restaurant, takes longer for lunch): Right below the conference venue, the restaurant and café-bistro Sturm & Drang offers a variety of drinks, snacks and also hot dishes.
Opening hours: 8:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. (to go); 11:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Coffee & Snacks
- Sturm & Drang:
Right below the conference venue, the restaurant and café-bistro Sturm & Drang offers a variety of drinks, snacks and also hot dishes.
Opening hours: 8:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. (to go); 11:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. (restaurant) - Café Rotunde: 10 minutes from conference building, sandwiches, snacks and cold and warm drinks.
Opening hours: 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. - Hoppenworth & Ploch: 5 minutes from conference building, considered to serve the best coffee on campus
Opening hours: 9:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. - Le Café: 10-15 minutes from conference building, outside campus; very cozy café
Opening hours 8:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.
The conference dinner on March 26th will take place at Zur Stalburg. This restaurant is famous for traditional food and drinks from the Frankfurt region.
Below are some restaurants close to campus which we recommend, but many more can be reached within 10 to 15 minutes walking distance. Please refer to their websites for menus, opening hours and dietary information:
- Isoletta: Italian food, 15 minutes from conference building
- Dominion: Israeli and Oriental food, 12 minutes from conference building
- Koh Samui: Thai food, 10 minutes from conference building
- African Violet: Ethopian and African food, 15 minutes from conference building