Göttingen: Hotels and Lunch options

Göttingen is a smaller city. There are plenty of hotel and restaurant options in the dense and small city center all within walking distance (5-15 min) to the conference venue.

Recommended Hotels (NO special deals)

Maps with all hotels and conference venues

click on the image to get to the map (click on the locations to get the information)

Some recommended hotels

NamePrice per nightTime to get to venueWebsite
Hotel Stadt Hannover89€-112€ including breakfast10 minutes (walking)Hotel Stadt Hannover
Hotel Centralca. 90-109€ including breakfast2 minutes (walking)Hotel Central
Lunch options near the Workshop venue

The location is downtown, so there are plenty of restaurants nearby (Goa India, Nudelhaus, etc.). Restaurants in Göttingen tend to be very accommodating of dietary restrictions. 

  • Goa India: Indian food
    Opening hours: 11:00 – 14:30, 16:30 – 22:00
  • Sen Viet Cuisine Bistro: Vietnamese food
    Opening hours: 12:00 – 22:00
  • Hans im Glück: Burgers (10 minutes walking)
    Opening hours: 12:00 – 22:00