Call for Papers


Abstracts for the main colloquium and workshops are to be submitted via OpenReview (detailed information at the bottom of this page).

An author may submit a maximum of two abstracts to the main colloquium, only one of which may be single-authored. However, the same person may submit two different single-authored abstracts to the main colloquium and a workshop. Please note that we have no online presentations during the conference. Presentations are all in person.

Abstracts for both the main colloquium session and both workshops can be submitted at the same submission point. You will be asked to indicate which session (main colloquium, workshop I, workshop II) and modality you would like your abstract to be considered for at the time of submission on the OpenReview submission form. You can choose multiple options for each abstract.

Presentation Modality
  • Long talk: 45 + 15 minutes
  • Short talk: 25 + 10 minutes
  • Poster + lightning talk: 2 minutes

Abstracts, including references and data, must not exceed two pages with 1 inch (2.54cm) margins on all sides. Font must be set in Times New Roman (or equivalent) with a font size no smaller than 12pt. Font size in displays and references may be smaller. The submission must not reveal the identity of the author(s) in any way. (Note that files uploaded to OpenReview are renamed by the system, but a PDF file may contain hidden information about its author or creator. Make sure to remove that information.)

Important dates:
  • Submissions open: July 15th, 2024
  • Submission deadline: November 10th, 2024, 23:59 Frankfurt time (GMT +01:00)
  • Notification of acceptance: January, 2025

Please submit abstracts for both the main colloquium and workshops via OpenReview:

All authors of a paper have to register with OpenReview before they can submit. Please consider creating an account on OpenReview early, because the platform has a moderation process for non-university email addresses that can take up to two weeks.

Find detailed information on how to register and submit an abstract on OpenReview here.

Should you encounter any technical issues, don’t hesitate to write us an email.

For any questions about the main colloquium or either workshop, please contact the local organizing committee at