GLOWing lectures 2024/2025

The GLOWing lecture series is a part of GLOW’s efforts of community-building, outreach, and strengthening of the generative community. The goal of GLOWing lectures is to provide tools, insights, and puzzles that will bring out why generative linguistics is important, invigorating, and relevant.

This year’s GLOWing topic is “How do we learn about language?” Every lecture will feature a speaker and a discussant working with different methodologies on different subfields. The lecture series aims to present diverse perspectives on linguistic research, how different methodologies and foci guide our theories, and how all of them are important for generative grammar and our understanding of natural language.

The lectures will be held on zoom, a YouTube recording will be made available after each lecture. All GLOW members receive the zoom link via email. If you are not a GLOW member, sign up HERE to get free access to the lecture.

All lectures and further information can be found HERE.

Join us for our first lecture on October 11, featuring Andrew Nevins and Jonathan Bobaljik!

3rd GLOWing lecture!

Our third GLOWing lecture will be by Viola Schmitt on March 15, 15:00 CET (10:00 EST, 14:00 BST, 19:30 IST – note the daylight savings change mismatch!) She will be discussing with Marcel den Dikken on what’s exciting about Semantics.

The Zoom-link for the lecture will be distributed to all GLOW members via e-mail a day before the lecture. If you’re not a GLOW member but you still want to attend via Zoom, you can sign up HERE. To make sure you receive the Zoom link, please sign up at least two days before the lecture. Like the previous times, the lecture will also be live-streamed on YouTube!

Second GLOWing lecture on December 15!

Our second GLOWing lecture will be by Charles Reiss on December 15, 15:00 CET. He will be discussing with Hedde Zeijlstra on what’s exciting about Phonology.

The Zoom-link for the lecture will be distributed to all GLOW members via e-mail a day before the lecture. If you’re not a GLOW member but you still want to attend via Zoom, you can sign up HERE. To make sure you receive the Zoom link, please sign up at least two days before the lecture. The lecture will also be live-streamed on YouTube so there’s really no good reason not to attend!

First GLOWing lecture on October 24!

Rewatch the lecture on YouTube!

Our first GLOWing lecture will be by Laura Kalin on October 24, 14:00 CET. She will be discussing with Michelle Sheehan on what’s exciting about Morphology.

The Zoom-link for the lecture will be distributed to all GLOW members via e-mail a day before the lecture. If you’re not a GLOW member but you still want to attend via Zoom, you can sign up HERE. To make sure you receive the Zoom link, please sign up at least two days before the lecture. The lecture will also be live-streamed on YouTube so there’s really no good reason not to attend!

Coming soon: GLOWing lectures

As part of GLOW’s efforts of community-building, outreach, and strengthening of the generative community, GLOW will start a quarterly online lecture series GLOWing lectures: Discoveries in generative linguistics.

The goal of GLOWing lectures is to provide tools, insights, and puzzles that will bring out why generative linguistics is important, invigorating, and relevant.

GLOWing lectures are intended to be exciting, inspiring, educational, and accessible across generative subfields. There are two broad categories of GLOWing lectures:

  • What you should know about subfield X? These lectures teach professionals from other generative subfields (semantics, phonology etc.) important tools and technologies of one subfield.
  • What is exciting in subfield X? These lectures provide significant discoveries and results from one subfield.

Both types of GLOWing lectures inspire further engagement within the subfield of the lecture and/or create discussions across subfields. Furthermore, both also provide material and resources (to be made available to the GLOW membership) for further teaching and outreach. 

GLOWing lectures will have a 120 minute slot, with a lecture between 45−60 minutes, 30 minutes for discussions, and a remaining time for chatting and socializing. Partial attendance will, of course, be encouraged as well.

In 2023−2024, we will aim for talks in the subfields (not necessarily in this order) semantics, phonology, morphology, syntax, field research/linguistic variation, experimental linguistics. In future years, we may add further areas of interest for the generative community.

The first talks will be open to anyone (later, only GLOW members will receive the link to attend the talks—but remember that GLOW membership fees are very low for now!).

We invite our members to e-mail us suggestions for GLOWing lecture speakers (please include a 1 sentence explanation).

Find more information and all updates HERE!