First GLOWing lecture on October 24!

Rewatch the lecture on YouTube!

Our first GLOWing lecture will be by Laura Kalin on October 24, 14:00 CET. She will be discussing with Michelle Sheehan on what’s exciting about Morphology.

The Zoom-link for the lecture will be distributed to all GLOW members via e-mail a day before the lecture. If you’re not a GLOW member but you still want to attend via Zoom, you can sign up HERE. To make sure you receive the Zoom link, please sign up at least two days before the lecture. The lecture will also be live-streamed on YouTube so there’s really no good reason not to attend!

Coming soon: GLOWing lectures

As part of GLOW’s efforts of community-building, outreach, and strengthening of the generative community, GLOW will start a quarterly online lecture series GLOWing lectures: Discoveries in generative linguistics.

The goal of GLOWing lectures is to provide tools, insights, and puzzles that will bring out why generative linguistics is important, invigorating, and relevant.

GLOWing lectures are intended to be exciting, inspiring, educational, and accessible across generative subfields. There are two broad categories of GLOWing lectures:

  • What you should know about subfield X? These lectures teach professionals from other generative subfields (semantics, phonology etc.) important tools and technologies of one subfield.
  • What is exciting in subfield X? These lectures provide significant discoveries and results from one subfield.

Both types of GLOWing lectures inspire further engagement within the subfield of the lecture and/or create discussions across subfields. Furthermore, both also provide material and resources (to be made available to the GLOW membership) for further teaching and outreach. 

GLOWing lectures will have a 120 minute slot, with a lecture between 45−60 minutes, 30 minutes for discussions, and a remaining time for chatting and socializing. Partial attendance will, of course, be encouraged as well.

In 2023−2024, we will aim for talks in the subfields (not necessarily in this order) semantics, phonology, morphology, syntax, field research/linguistic variation, experimental linguistics. In future years, we may add further areas of interest for the generative community.

The first talks will be open to anyone (later, only GLOW members will receive the link to attend the talks—but remember that GLOW membership fees are very low for now!).

We invite our members to e-mail us suggestions for GLOWing lecture speakers (please include a 1 sentence explanation).

Find more information and all updates HERE!

Two ongoing votes

There are currently two ongoing votes, ending on Monday, June 5:

  • one about whether the GLOW community agrees that GLOW 47 (2025) will take place in Frankfurt
  • one on extending the current board memberships ending in 2024 by another year (2025) since there will be no GLOW conference next year. This affects the following board members: Susanne Wurmbrand (chair), Radek Šimík (secretary), Magdalena Lohninger (web, communication), Caterina Donati (member A), Éva Dékány (member B), Markus Pöchtrager (member D), Andrew Nevins (co-opted member).

If you are a GLOW member but have not received an email with the voting link, please contact our secretary, Radek Šimík.

A tribute for Henk van Riemsdijk

Henk van Riemsdijk served as an advisory member for the GLOW board for over 30 years and stepped back from this role last year. We are immensly grateful for his help and advice over the years! Thank you so much, Henk!

The current GLOW president, Susi Wurmbrand, has put together a tribute for Henk to show the world how many linguists and linguistic careers he has influenced over the last decades.

The tribute can be found HERE.

No GLOW colloquium in 2024 & reduced membership fee

The result of the latest vote showed that the majority of the GLOW members approved the proposal to hold a gap year and use the time to reorganize GLOW.

As GLOW will not be held in 2024, a general meeting will be organized by the GLOW board to discuss the restructuring of GLOW. Details will follow later. Since we would like the GLOW membership to be as large as possible during this gap year (to make sure that anyone in the generative community interested in contributing to the further development of GLOW will be heard and have the opportunity to contribute), we are offering a regular yearly membership for €8 and a reduced yearly membership (students, unemployed) for €5. 

04/2023 – 03/2024, covering GLOW Vienna (2023):  €8 / €5

04/2024 – 03/2025, restructuring of GLOW:    €8 / €5

04/2025 – 03/2026, covering GLOW 47 (2025): €25 / €11.50

Members who already paid the full one-year membership for 2023-2024 (e.g., to participate in GLOW in Vienna) will have their membership automatically extended until 03/2026 (i.e., including the 2025 meeting and up to but not including the meeting in 2026). All existing 4-, 5-, and 10-year memberships will be extended by one year.

Being a member allows people to participate in all votes and thereby shape the future of GLOW. GLOW will, if financially possible, continue to support summer schools and possibly other important functions serving the generative community (such as open access publishing).

Online participation at the main colloquium in Vienna will be free for GLOW members. The Zoom link will be sent to the membership on April 11Please sign up as a GLOW member by April 8 to receive the link. You can sign up via the GLOW46 online form HERE or via the general GLOW form HERE.

New board members!

There are two votes coming up which we would like to alert you to. The voting times for both votes will be: Apr 7 – 14. You must be signed up as a member by Apr 6 to be eligible to vote.

  • Sergio Baauw is stepping down as the treasurer of GLOW after having served for several terms. Thank you, Sergio, for your many years of handling the finances and being the liason to the Netherlands Chamber of Commerce!
  • The board nominates Marco Bril as the new treasurer. The members will be asked via an e-mail vote as well as during the business meeting at GLOW 46 whether they approve this nomination.
  • The Member C position is currently open. We have received two nominations: András Bárány and Hedde Zeijlstra. The board would consider both of these researchers to be excellent additions to the board. The members will be asked via an e-mail vote as well as during the business meeting at GLOW 46 to vote for their preferred candidate.

Vote: skipping GLOW 47 colloquium (2024)?

The GLOW board is considering to skip the annual GLOW colloquium in 2024.

This is partly motivated by the turning down of Israel as a venue for 2024, but mainly as a way of providing the GLOW board and the broader GLOW community with enough time to restructure GLOW as an organization that serves its community as best as it can.

An email announcing the vote has been sent to all current GLOW members.

Over the next year we will be in touch with the community and solicit feedback, ideas and constructive solutions to the issues that have been mentioned. Currently, we are envisaging to do this in the form of a multi-day meeting (online or hybrid), or a series of meetings, where anyone will be welcome (member or not) and where we want to give everyone an opportunity to be heard and to express their wishes and concerns.

We realize that skipping a year also has disadvantages (e.g, taking away the opportunity to present one’s current research at a prominent venue such as GLOW), which is why we want to see how the majority of the GLOW members feels about the proposal.

An email announcing the vote including the voting options has been sent to all current GLOW members.