Thank you to Caterina Donati und call for new board members

After many years on the GLOW board, Caterina Donati has decided to step down and give new people the chance to join the board. We thank her again for all her enthusiasm, wisdom, and outstanding support!

There are currently two openings in the board:

  • member with semantic focus
  • member with early career focus

If you are interested in working with the board on developing support for early career researchers or a better integration of semantics into GLOW, please nominate yourself or encourage anyone you know who may be interested in these positions to do so (a quick e-mail is sufficient). Anyone at any stage in their career from anywhere is eligible. The only requirement is that you should love generative linguistics!

Please send your nomination by September 1, 2024. The next step after the nomination stage will then be votes by the membership.

Results: vote on board reorganization

Thanks to everyone who participated in the most recent GLOW vote on the reorganization of the functions and responsibilities of the members of the GLOW board.

The results are as follows (you can also find details here):

  • 94 people (37.45% of all the members) cast a vote.
  • 89 (94.68% of all those who cast a vote) expressed agreement with the proposal.
  • 5 (5.32%) were against it.

The new board assignments can be found HERE

Membership updates

Since our membership has been growing, managing the subscription information has become increasingly complex. We have therefore decided that, moving forward, one GLOW board member will act as the membership administrator. For now, this is Markus Pöchtrager, who you can turn to with questions regarding your membership and who will send reminders about membership renewals.

Membership terms:

Starting 2025, the membership year will be the CALENDAR year (1.1. to 31.12). Whenever your membership will expire by the end of a year, you will get an e-mail reminder from the  membership administrator to renew.


1. Since there is no GLOW colloquium in 2024, all memberships expiring during the calendar year 2024 will automatically be extended to Dec 31, 2024.

2. Ongoing memberships expiring during 2025 or a year afterwards (e.g., for multi-year memberships):

  • If a membership expires in the first half of a year, it will be active until before the GLOW colloquium of that year (i.e., the GLOW colloquium will not be included). To attend the GLOW colloquium of that year (in person or online), a new membership for that year will be necessary.
  • If a membership expires in the second half of a year, it will be extended to the end of that year.

Membership fees:

Starting in 2025, the regular GLOW membership fees will go back to what they have been in the past, but we will offer additional options and we have significantly lowered the student membership fees.

  • Regular member, 1 year:        € 25
  • Regular member, 5 years:      €110
  • Regular member, 10 years:    €200
  • Regular member, lifetime:      €300
  • Student member, 5 years:     € 5
  • Need based reductions:          upon request


  • BA, MA, PhD students
  • The board decided to make student memberships basically free. The €5 (for 5 years!) are there to prevent misuse of the membership and the GLOW system.

For anyone having difficulty paying the dues (for whatever reasons), please get in touch with the membership administrator and we will try to find a solution. 

As before, memberships have to be paid via the Paypal HERE.


A suggestion at the town-hall meetings was to increase the membership for regular members (people said they could pay more), and to make student membership free. We followed the second part, but decided not to raise the regular membership fees, as there are vast differences across countries, positions, and other factors that may affect people’s ability to pay more.

But: We would really love to get (named or anonymous) donations from members who can afford it. It will be put to excellent use! If you would like to support us, you can donate directly HERE on our website! 


Starting with GLOW 47 in Frankurt, GLOW will award two prizes of €200 each for the best student presentations.

What does a membership get you?

  • You are allowed to vote on all decisions.
  • You can attend the GLOW conference: online for free; for in-person attendance, you need to only pay the local conference fee (for catering etc.).
  • You can attend the GLOWing lectures for free.
  • You will receive news, updates, information about resources, mentoring options, and much more to come.
  • We listen to your concerns.

Please spread the word, and share in particular with your students!

Updates from the GLOW board

Many things have happened in December. We had a wonderful GLOWing lecture by Charles Reiss and discussant Hedde Zeijlstra (thanks again!), and two very productive town hall meetings with the GLOW community where we heard many interesting ideas about what GLOW could be doing to strengthen generative linguistics. Thank you all for coming to these events and providing your input.

The main points of discussion of the town hall meetings were as follow.

GLOW manifesto
  • Who are we? How do we define ourselves?
  • What unites us? What creates the “We” feeling?
  • What is our collective expertise?
  • Where do we see us/generative linguistics in 10 years?
GLOW as a learned society, trade union, political organization
  • Strengthen generative linguistics
  • Engage in lobbying (funding agencies, other organizations) 
  • Outreach, Networking
  • Financial and educational support
  • Expand geographically
  • Connect with other organizations: SLE, CIPL, NYI Universe, summer schools, ConSOLE
  • Provide hub for resources: online lectures, lecture series, summer schools, training possibilities, many more
  • Lifetime membership
  • Free student memberships
  • Fund drives, donations, institutional memberships, increase fees for senior members (with positions)
GLOW conference
  • Goals: Remain a strong, prestigious; increase number of participants; more support for early-career researchers
  • Shorten the length of (some) talks
  • Parallel sessions
  • Large(r) number of posters
  • Invited speakers
  • Main talks in hybrid form (online free for GLOW members)
  • Proceedings
  • Travel support, student prize
The next steps

The GLOW board will hold several meetings to discuss the issues raised and options suggested, and weigh the points of disagreements. For some of the issues we will create task forces and/or standing committees for which we will seek participants from the GLOW community (e-mails regarding this will be sent in the new year). Some issues may also involve voting by the members. Our general goal is to maintain the strengths of the organization and anything that has been working well, but change areas that are obsolete, require improvement, or should be approached entirely differently. Some changes may be gradual, and in particular for points where we saw major disagreements, we may make initial decisions (if compromises are not possible) but re-evaluate those in the future. Continued feedback from the community will be essential and highly welcome throughout the next year (we want to hear everyone’s concerns and try to implement them within our goals and means).

Lastly, I can report that the GLOW community is growing and we are very happy to be a connection point (and more) for our exciting generative field.

Questionnaire for restructuring GLOW

As part of our current efforts in restructuring GLOW as an organization, we have prepared a questionnaire. Your responses will help us understand how the community sees GLOW as an organization as well as a conference and also help us shape GLOW so that it corresponds better with the needs of the community of (generative) linguists across the world. We plan to share selected results during the planned town hall meeting on November 24 and December 1.

The questionnaire should take about 15 minutes to fill out, although the time can vary depending on how much you wish to elaborate on your answers.

Your input will be greatly appreciated. Also, feel free to share the link with any relevant respondents (the questionnaire is not limited to GLOW members). We hope for as broad and diverse a sample as possible.

GLOW town hall meeting

November 24 & December 1, starting at 8:30 (NY), 14:30 (Vienna), 18:00 (New Delhi), 20:30 (Singapore). Please register HERE to attend!

As you know, earlier this year, the GLOW community voted to wait a year for our next colloquium, and not hold one in 2024, to provide some breathing room in which to reconsider our structure and goals. To help with this process, the GLOW board will hold a two-day online meeting this autumn (Nov 24 & Dec 1). We view this meeting both as the beginning of a “listening tour” for the GLOW board and as an opportunity for our members (and generative linguists in general) to exchange views and ideas about the future of GLOW as an organization and the GLOW colloquium.

A group of discussants will share their views on the role of GLOW in linguistics and the GLOW Colloquium in an informal conversation moderated by the GLOW board. All GLOW members are invited to participate in this conversation and provide feedback and ideas.

Discussants: David Adger, Artemis Alexiadou, Daniel Altshuler, John Bailyn, Roberta d’Alessandro, Marcel den Dikken, Katharina Hartmann, Angelica Hill, Gillian Ramchand, Jenneke van der Wal, Marc van Oostendorp, Hedde Zeijlstra.

We understand that attending online meetings in two consecutive weeks is a serious investment of your time. Please feel free to attend as much of the meetings as you can. If you cannot attend, we encourage you to e-mail us any feedback you may have before the meeting so that we can share it in the discussion.

The topics will include (but are not limited to):

GLOW as an organization

  • What kind of an organization does generative linguistics need in Europe or the world?
  • What kinds of activities should GLOW promote (journals, summer schools, travel support, other ideas)?
  • Should GLOW be more inclusive towards particular subfields of linguistics?  If so, how can we best bring that about?
  • How can young researchers be better supported by GLOW?

The GLOW Colloquium

  • Length of talks and discussion periods
  • Poster sessions
  • Publication of proceedings

We would love to hear your opinion on any of these topics. If you have not registered yet, please do so here:

We look forward to hearing your feedback.

Two ongoing votes

There are currently two ongoing votes, ending on Monday, June 5:

  • one about whether the GLOW community agrees that GLOW 47 (2025) will take place in Frankfurt
  • one on extending the current board memberships ending in 2024 by another year (2025) since there will be no GLOW conference next year. This affects the following board members: Susanne Wurmbrand (chair), Radek Šimík (secretary), Magdalena Lohninger (web, communication), Caterina Donati (member A), Éva Dékány (member B), Markus Pöchtrager (member D), Andrew Nevins (co-opted member).

If you are a GLOW member but have not received an email with the voting link, please contact our secretary, Radek Šimík.