Result of vote: GLOW 47 will not take place in Israel

The vote about GLOW 47 in Israel has finished.

  • 113 of the total of 170 members (66%) cast a valid vote.
  • 52 members (46% of the valid votes cast) were in favor of GLOW 47 in Israel.
  • 61 members (54% of the valid votes cast) were against GLOW 47 in Israel.

The General Assembly has thus decided that GLOW 47 will not take place in Israel.

Herewith the search for a new venue for GLOW 47 (2024) is initiated. If you have a proposal, please don’t hesitate to share it with the board. Our hope is that a new venue can be confirmed at GLOW 46 in Vienna.

New vote about GLOW 47 (2024)

Following the advisory vote which took place in January, the GLOW board has decided to organize a new vote about GLOW 47 in Israel. This vote is planned to start on Thursday 16 February, at 17:00 CET.

After the vote is opened, no members can be added to the voting pool anymore. Only active GLOW members are eligible to vote.

If you took part in GLOW in person last year, it is likely that you are still a member. If you are unsure whether you are currently a member, feel free to contact us on

If you are not a member yet and wish to cast a vote, please register for the GLOW membership by Tuesday 14 February. Note that the GLOW membership only counts as active after payment has been received.

GLOW 47 planning vote

GLOW 47 is planned to take place at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem and Ben Gurion University of the Negev. This decision was reached by the GLOW board after an online questionnaire in 2021, receiving a 2/3 majority of votes (26/39) in favor of GLOW in Israel. At the business meeting at GLOW 45 in London in April 2022, the venues were confirmed. In May 2022, the GLOW board received a letter asking us to reconsider the choice. After extensive discussions, the board decided in June 2022 to move forward with the plan to hold GLOW 47 in Israel. Nevertheless there has been an ongoing protest against this decision, leading to the recent establishment of the LODGI group (with 28 signatories as of November 24, 2022):

See also some discussion here.

A summary of all letters can be downloaded from here

In light of the ongoing protests and to make sure that the board’s decision reflects the view of the GLOW community, we are reaching out to ask for input regarding whether a new vote should be held or not. This will be determined via a vote using the following procedure:

  • The voting pool consists of all active GLOW members, the current GLOW abstract reviewers, the LODGI signatories, as well as everyone who has been a GLOW member, presenter or organizer at least once between January 1, 2020 and January 1, 2023.
  • The vote (about whether to hold a new vote about GLOW 47) will open on January 2, 2023 and close on January 15, 2023.
  • The link to the online voting system will be sent by e-mail to everyone eligible to vote, on the day the voting system will open.
  • The system will identify eligible voters via their e-mail addresses.
  • Those eligible to vote will also receive an information email in the next couple of days. If you think you should be eligible, but have not received an information e-mail by December 20, 2022, please contact  the GLOW secretary, Radek Šimík <>.

As per GLOW statutes, a simple majority of those who vote will suffice to hold a new vote. The broader GLOW community is consulted for this advisory poll to reflect the ongoing process of the issue. Should the decision be to hold a new vote on the venue of GLOW 47, as per the statutes, only members with an active GLOW membership at the time of the vote will be able to vote.

GLOW 45: April 2022

The 45th GLOW Colloquium will take place at Queen Mary University of London on 27th-29th April, 2022 in a hybrid fashion.

In addition to the main session, there will be two thematic workshops (26th April): 

Workshop I:
Typological generalizations and semantic theory

Workshop II:
Sources of variation in phonological theory

See the GLOW 45 website for more information.

GLOW 44: April 2021

The 44th GLOW Colloquium will be held fully online, synchronously over three days, April 15–17, 2021, and organized by the GLOW Board.

To offer something unique for the global linguistics community, GLOW 44 will feature a an entirely new flavour of main session talk, to provoke high level discussion and theorizing: targeted collaborative debates. Targeted collaborative debates are joint talks that present contrasting analytical proposals to a particular concrete empirical problem, in any area of linguistics. Traditional research contributions are also sought, to be presented and discussed in synchronous and asynchronous online media, including in a synchronous flash talk session. Please read more about the format of GLOW 44 and its motivation.

Abstracts for both types of contributions are due December 15. See the Call for Papers.

Future GLOW Meetings are projected to be physical:

  • Spring 2022 Queen Mary, University of London
  • Spring 2023 University of Vienna

Virtual GLOW 43: April 8 – 20, 2020

GLOW 43 is online, free, and happening now!

The team at Humboldt University Berlin have arranged for all GLOW 43 presentations (main session, posters, and three thematic workshops) to be online and available for discussion from now through April 20th. Presenters are available for online discussions at designated times, and discussions can also take place on the OSF platform.

Read more about how to access the presentations and participate in the discussions.

GLOW 43 in Berlin, April 2020

The 43rd GLOW conference (GLOW 43) will take place at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin from March 31st to April 3rd, 2020

GLOW 43 has moved online!

In addition to the main session (April 1-3), there will be three thematic workshops on March 31st:

For details, please visit the conference page:

GLOW 42 in Oslo, May 2019

The 42nd GLOW conference (GLOW 42) will take place at the University of Oslo from May 7-11, 2019. The conference will consist of a main colloquium (May 8-10, Wed to Fri) and three thematic workshops (on Tue, 7 May and Sat, 11 May).

For the main colloquium, scholars are invited to submit and present papers within all areas of generative linguistics. Submissions on phonological topics are especially welcome.

The following workshops are planned:

Workshop 1 on May 7th, 2019
“Anaphora at the syntax-semantics-pragmatics interface in endangered and understudied languages”
Organizers: Patrick G. Grosz (University of Oslo) and Amy Rose Deal (UC Berkeley)

Workshop 2 on May 7th, 2019
“Rules and Learning Strategies in the Acquisition of Signed and Spoken Phonologies”
Organizers: Julian K. Lysvik (University of Oslo) and Andrew Nevins (University College of London)

Workshop 3 on May 11th, 2019
“Generative Linguistics beyond Language: Shared Modules for Rhythm, Narration and Emotion across Domains”
Organizers: Pritty Patel-Grosz (University of Oslo, ILN)  and Alexander Refsum Jensenius (University of Oslo, RITMO Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies in Rhythm, Time and Motion)

Please see the call for papers for the main colloquium and the workshops posted at


GLOW in Budapest April 10-14, 2018

The 41st GLOW conference (GLOW 41) will take place between 10-14 April 2018 in Budapest, Hungary. It will be organized by the Research Institute for Linguistics of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. The conference will consist of a main colloquium (11-13 April, Wed to Fri) and four thematic workshops (on Tue, 10 April and Sat, 14 April).

The main conference has no specific theme so scholars are invited to submit and present papers within all areas of generative linguistics. Submissions on phonological topics are especially welcome.

The following workshops are planned:

Phonology workshop: Long-distance segmental phenomena (organized by Péter Rebrus)

Syntax workshop: Predication in relation to propositions and properties (organized by Maria Polinsky & Marcel den Dikken)

Semantics workshop: The Grammar and Pragmatics of Interrogatives and Their (Special) Uses (organized by Beáta Gyuris & Hans-Martin Gaertner)

Workshop on Sign Language (organized by Balázs Surányi & Marcel den Dikken)

The calls for papers for the main colloquium and the workshops will be posted early in September.

GLOW 41 will also be complemented by the yearly meeting of the Phonological Theory Agora network with a thematic workshop on ”The necessity of formalization in phonology”.